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【her spa 和和恬】全然美形極致紓壓輕盈SPA 150mins (實際手技時間:75 mins)

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her spa 和和恬-全然美形極致紓壓輕盈SPA 150mins

商品網址: http://product.mobchannels.com/2AXy-

2018-06-21 03:00

OFF LIMITS: The feeder line is for emergency use only and would be inspected for any damage or loss, with trespassers facing fines of NT$10,000 to NT$50,000By Shelley Shan / Staff reporterMembers of alternative events collective Unregulated Masses (野青眾) allegedly trespassed on a defunct Taiwan Railways Administration (TRA) underground feeder line near Taipei’s Huashan 1914 Creative Park (華山1914) and used it as a party venue.A netizen, who claimed to live near the park, shared screenshots on Professional Technology Temple, the nation’s largest online academic bulletin board system, of photographs that were originally posted by participants of a techno party on Friday last week allegedly organized by Unregulated Masses.The underground feeder line is off-limits to the public, but party-goers climbed over the walls and gate to enter, the netizen said, adding that they would be able to walk to the TRA’s main railway lines and Taipei Railway Station from there.Some screenshots showed foreigners walking or sitting on railway tracks.“Nobody would bother to visit the underground feeder line if it was not for this party,” the netizen said. “Most railway enthusiasts would not trespass onto the line either, because they know doing so would cause the TRA trouble.”“I just want to say that, whatever these people’s intentions were, the event brought trouble to the neighborhood and even threatened railway safety,” the netizen said, adding that the organizer quickly passed the buck when the misdeed was exposed.The public is prohibited from visiting the feeder line, which is now only used to evacuate train passengers and enable fire engines or other large machinery to enter during an emergency, the TRA said.The property is surrounded by 3m-tall walls and the entrance has a metal door that was locked with a chain, the agency said.The feeder line was used to film the movie Zone Pro Site (總鋪師), and the production team had to apply to use it, the TRA said.The organizer of the party did not file an application, it added.Trespassers face fines of NT$10,000 to NT$50,000 for contravening the Railway Act (鐵路法), the agency said, adding that the incident has been reported to the Railway Police Bureau.The feeder line would be inspected and any damage or loss of railway property would be reported to the police, it said.Unregulated Masses said the party was organized by some of its members in a personal capacity and did not involve the group.新聞來源:TAIPEI TIMES

今( 2018 )年香蕉盛產價格崩盤,讓不少農民叫苦連天。為了拯救蕉農,行政院長賴清德日前在臉書發文分享友人推薦的香蕉新吃法,表示香蕉帶皮水煮後搭配醬油、大蒜,既養生又美味,掀起熱議。近日政論節目依此作法實際煮香蕉給來賓試吃,其中民進黨台北市議員王世堅直誇好吃,還說吃起來像「剝皮辣椒」。

12 日播出的政論節目「新聞深喉嚨」中,提到行政院長賴清德「水煮香蕉」的說法,製作單位實際操作,準備了帶皮的水煮香蕉給來賓試吃,讓不少人面露難色,民進黨台北市議員王世堅則連皮帶肉、大口地吃下水煮香蕉,更直誇「香蕉皮煮過以後像剝皮辣椒」、「其實滿好吃的」,讓其他來賓忍不住揶揄「拍馬屁也不要拍過頭」、「王世堅,你真是民進黨的模範黨員」。



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商品網址: https://tw.news.yahoo.com/2017%E5%8F%B0%E7%81%A3%E8%B6%B3%E7%90%83%E7%9B%9B%E5%B9%B4-%E7%AB%8B-%E8%B6%B3-%E5%9C%8B%E9%9A%9B%E8%B3%BD%E4%BA%8B-015100428.html


商品訊息描述: 台北市 / 張良瑜 張容輔 報導






2017台灣足球盛年 立"足"國際賽事

商品網址: https://tw.news.yahoo.com/2017%E5%8F%B0%E7%81%A3%E8%B6%B3%E7%90%83%E7%9B%9B%E5%B9%B4-%E7%AB%8B-%E8%B6%B3-%E5%9C%8B%E9%9A%9B%E8%B3%BD%E4%BA%8B-015100428.html



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